Eeyore, when all things are considered, is a sad and pathetic creature. The fact that Optimus Prime is his alter-ego does little to bolster my opinion of the sad, gray donkey. I always saw myself as more of a Piglet, always wishing to be more like Pooh. Oh, to posses the level of optimism that accompanies blissful ignorance.
I know, you want to know where the heck I plan on going with this. Well, while on my best day I might be a Piglet, here recently I've been very much an Eeyore. Case in point, check the time stamp on this blog posting. It will probably say something like 3:45am. That's if my hand doesn't cramp up from typing an entire blog on a cell phone. Winner.
This all started when I blew out my knee. Yes, the main reason I haven't posted in the last three months is because I tore my ACL skiing. Most people feel bad for me, but not me, I just feel completely embarassed. I'm supposed to be the one that knows how to ski, yet I was falling more than my husband who was only skiing for the second time in his life. People ask what run I was on when it happened then get this funny look on their face when I say Ute. Isn't that an easy one? Why yes, yes it is. And the reason my ACL completely disintegrated? Well, some say it's because of the deep powder and that my feet/skis went one way and the rest of me went another, others blame the skis for not coming off like they were supposed to, but I know the truth: it's because I'm so damn out of shape. You have to be in relatively decent physical condition to not get injured while skiing. I could pretend all I wanted when the snow was hard packed and I was doing a decent job digging in just using my extra weight, but I saw all these red flags start popping up everywhere when I fell 20ft into the first run the last time we went. Sirens started blaring in my head and warning signals flashed "You're Gonna Die!" in bright neon lights, but I spent a crap ton of money that day so I was going to make the most of it. One (partial) run, a ride down the mountain on a ski patrol sled, a trip to the ER, and an MRI later and I was a full-fledged handicap. No ACL left, tore my miniscus, cracked the head of my tibia, and had a bone bruise so deep I could practically feel it in my ankle. Apparently, after the first couple of falls, my lame, lazy, out of shape muscles just said, "Screw it! Every ligament for themselves!"
So long story short, that was February 29th and I still have an elephant knee. It won't straighten, it won't bend, and I can't walk on it for more than five minutes before my muscles start to feel like Jell-o. I know the doctor said that it would be six months or longer before I was back to normal, but I need to be normal now. I need to clean my house. I need to cook a healthy dinner for my family. I need to play with my kids. I need to spend quality time with my husband.
While the knee and all the embarrassment that goes along with it is enough, I then had to go and get myself a nasty little flu bug. The kind that nag at you for days, tormenting you by never revealing their true location, just bouncing around from your nose to your throat, becoming an ear ache, then a fever and body aches, then back to the throat again. It was bad enough that I was a gimp but now I have to be disease ridden as well? I'm not sure how much more of this I can stand. While the flu will have to run its course, the knee might just get a hack saw taken to it. My next post may be titled "Me and My Prostetic Leg."
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Friday, January 13, 2012
New Year . . . New Me? Ha! Very funny.
Happy Friday the 13th everyone!
I know popular culture suggests we all make resolutions this time of year to change who we are for the better, but this year I'm not resolving to change who I am but rather figure out who I was in the first place.
Every year I vow to change this or that, to be a better mom, wife, teacher, Christian, person, etc. I work at all of these things for about a week, a month if things go well, then life happens and reality sets in and I get flustered with my failures and give up. It donned on me this year that I've been going about things all wrong. I'm trying to change to fit a certain mold that I most certainly am not meant to fit. Like my voluptuous rear end and cute jeans . . . . some things are just not meant to be.It's common knowledge that we're supposed to spend our 20's "finding ourselves." We're supposed to change majors, jobs, cities and significant relationships till we find what we love, then spend our 30's "settling down" into our new, lovely lives. My stark reality is that I was married and had two kids by the time my 20's started. I certainly don't regret any of it and couldn't be more happier with the way my life has turned out, but when contemplating my resolutions for this year, I realized that every other year was spent focusing on who I was expected to be and not improving who I actually was. Because I don't know who I am.
But I do know who I am not. So that's where I'm going to start. Who knows, maybe by the end of the year, I will have figured life out and while others spend their 30's getting their real adult lives started, I'll be coasting on pure bliss : )
My List of Things I am NOT:
1) School Teacher - I have been mad at myself for the past year because I still feel like I haven't figured out the whole home schooling thing and as a consequence, I am failing my children. I know very few home school moms, but the ones I do know are fantastic. They're also college educated school teachers. They sit down in August and make lesson plans for the whole year. They spend their evenings grading papers and going over the next day's subject matter. I'm lucky if I grade my kids papers at all. Not because I don't care, but because I am sitting right next to them while they do it and correct as they go. I also plan as I go. I find out what's on the page at the same time as my kids. Yes, this has gotten me in a jam with big projects I didn't know were right around the corner, but the joy of home schooling is that if you're not prepared, put it off till you are. It's not going to kill anyone to get a day or two behind in Botany because you didn't have an empty coke bottle and two tons of potting soil on hand. While I have learned that I'm not a structured school teacher type, I've also learned that I'm not the awesome un-schooling type either. I'm pretty convinced the great un-schooling moms I know are from another planet. I can't fit an entire days worth or curriculum into a baking project or a walk to the park. Maybe it's my lack of higher education or just that I have a hard time making my brain work on their level all day long. I know it's not lack of creativity, just maybe lack of wanting my entire existence to revolve around making sure I can put a history lesson in sandwich making. Also, I like books. Books give me guidance because I know I would probably forget to teach my kids how to conjugate verbs and then they'd come at me with fire in their eyes when they get lower than fantastic SAT scores. Also, I like the 15 minutes I get to screw around on Pinterest while they work on their sentence structure. So, I'm not a school-at-home-er and I'm not an un-school-er. I'm in the middle somewhere and now all I need to do is figure out where and what that is.
2) Maid - One blogger I follow is a perfectly nice individual who usually posts craft ideas, recipes and fun things to do with your kids on rainy days. When you read through her posts she seems like super mom meets Martha Stewart meets Mother Theresa. But if you scroll down, you'll see a little headline that reads "People I Want to Punch in the Throat." Priceless.
I have the same list, though I don't post it on line and instead keep it in my head where no one can see it. I am going to post one, and that is the over enthusiastic house cleaners. The ones that claim they LOVE cleaning house. I have determined three things about these women:
a) They're liars. No one LOVES to clean, especially moms. Moms clean, then two minutes later everything that they've done has been undone. They have husbands who leave their dirty socks under the coffee table, sons who pee on the toilet seat, daughters that get nail polish on counters, dogs that shed mounds of hair, the list goes on. Liar, liar, pants on fire.
b) They're on something. And I want some.
c) They really do love to clean, and they spend all day doing it. If not, it's because their kids aren't allowed to bring toys or crayons out of their rooms which turns them into hermits, their husbands are afraid of what might happen if they leave their coat on the back of the chair instead of hanging it in the closet, and their guests feel like they can't touch or breath near anything for fear of smudging the shiny polished oak. Nope, not me at all.
Not only do I not love cleaning, I actually LOATHE it. Keeping a house clean with a husband, three kids and a dog is the definition of insanity. Every year I make a cleaning schedule for myself and every year it lasts a week or two. I can never get caught up and when I spend an entire day cleaning I feel guilty for ignoring my kids (who consequently have destroyed whatever room I've locked them in). So, I hate cleaning but I also hate a messy house. My cleaning resolution is to spend the half hour before my husband gets home cleaning up whatever mess we've made during that day, making the kids learn how to clean their own bathrooms and do their own laundry, and hiring a real maid to come in once or twice a month and do all the time-sucking stuff that makes me want to take up drinking.
3) Athlete - Yes, I pretended to be one in high school, but I never really liked sports. I liked volleyball, but mainly because it was the one thing I was better at than most the other girls. I hated running, hated lifting, hated that if I didn't run or lift I'd look like the Stay Puffed Marshmallow Man by the end of the month. I'm short, I have zero metabolism and hips that are perfect for delivering babies but terrible for losing weight. Thankfully my husband likes curves. Unfortunately, my curves are starting to get curves of their own and while I have the utmost respect for women who are proud of their bodies no matter what they look like, I am not. So here's my delimma. I can pretend that I love to work out, get a gym membership and quit because I don't have any kid free time to speak of while also pretending that I can live off of three celery sticks a day and quit because chips and salsa are just that good, or I can find a happy medium. I need to lose 30 lbs, but I'm not going to set a deadline. I'm just going to resolve to work at it, and when it happens it happens, as long as there's progress. I already eat a mostly vegan diet, so eating healthy isn't much of a change, I just need to eat more and eat earlier. I live off of four cups of coffee, an afternoon snack and a decent sized dinner. It's not good even if it is only 700 calories. I'm also getting an elliptical. I can do it while I watch the news in the morning and it won't kill me like a treadmill so I may actually stick to it. Here's hoping.
4) SAHM/HSM/WaM- If you follow family-related blogs, you'll interpret these to mean "stay at home mom", "home school mom" and "wife and mother". While I know technically I am all of these, I have a really hard time defining myself as any of them. I do envy those women who wear their SAHM title like a badge of honor. Their lives are filled with cupcakes, play dates and Starbucks. They drive mini vans and wear yoga pants . . . every day. They have routines and their kids and husbands are generally happy. There is absolutely nothing wrong with any of it. Except that it's not me. I have tried and tried to be these things, but no matter how fulfilled someone else might be, I am not. Though I know the world would fall apart if anything were to happen to me, I still feel like I'm not contributing or living up to my potential. So this year, instead of trying to be an acronym, I'm going to figure out what I really need to do to feel fulfilled. Not happy, because I really am truly happy, but instead not feeling like there's something missing. I'm going to finish my children's book, start a novel, make things, hopefully sell them, get involved in our new community, dabble in politics and do my best to give more.
So that's it in a nut shell. I'm hoping that spending ten years finding out who I am not will make quick work of figuring out who I really am. So buckle up, because this could get interesting : )
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Live Free or Die . . . and we're not dead . . . yet.
"This is no time for ceremony. The question before the House is one of awful moment to this country. For my own part, I consider it as nothing less than a question of freedom or slavery...It is only in this way that we can hope to arrive at truth, and fulfill the great responsibility which we hold to God and our country. Should I keep back my opinions at such a time, through fear of giving offence, I should consider myself as guilty of treason towards my country, and of an act of disloyalty toward the majesty of heaven, which I revere above all earthly kings."
This isn't the first time that I've written about politics and I can say with assurance that it won't be my last. While politics is more of a hobby for me than something I would ever pursue, I have to admit that recently the state of our government has churned that "raise your voice" feeling a person gets when they see something terribly wrong being done in broad daylight and everyone seems to be just standing around and letting it happen.
I call myself a moderate conservative, but really the only reason why I throw the word moderate in front is because to label yourself as just "conservative" has come to be interpreted as Westboro Baptist loving-confederate flag waving-abortion clinic burning-stealing from the poor to give to the rich-invade your country just because I can-puffy faced 70 year old white dude in a navy blue suit that looks like he might have a heart attack after climbing the capitol hill steps. Not me at all, even though I'm a true conservative in every sense of the word. I believe in small government, balanced budgets, owing nothing to no one (especially communists who devalue their own currency to screw the rest of the world), building a strong military but only using it if absolutely necessary, leaving things like abortion and gay marriage up to states and voters . . . the list goes on but you get the point.
The election of 2008 was a tough one. My girl, Hillary, didn't get the nod (yes, I'm a conservative, and John McCain was anything but conservative. And if your husband and most of your friends' husbands were in the military, you wouldn't have voted for him either) so I threw in my lot with Obama. Ugh. Lesson learned.
"Mr. President, it is natural to man to indulge in the illusions of hope. We are apt to shut our eyes against a painful truth, and listen to the song of that siren till she transforms us into beasts.
I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided; and that is the lamp of experience. I know of no way of judging of the future but by the past. . . There is no longer any room for hope. If we wish to be free, if we mean to preserve, inviolate those inestimable privileges for which we have been so long contending, if we mean not basely to abandon the noble struggle in which we have been so long engaged, and which we have pledged ourselves never to abandon until the glorious object of our contest shall be obtained, we must fight!"
And fight we must, as conservatives, for history shows us that big government always fails.
"They tell us, sir, that we are weak; unable to cope with so formidable an adversary. But when shall we be stronger? Will it be the next week, or the next year? . . . Shall we gather strength by irresolution and inaction? Shall we acquire the means of effectual resistance, by lying supinely on our backs, and hugging the delusive phantom of hope, until our enemies shall have bound us hand and foot? Sir, we are not weak if we make a proper use of those means which the God of nature hath placed in our power. {Millions} of people, armed in the holy cause of liberty, and in such a country as that which we possess, are invincible by any force which our enemy can send against us. Besides, sir, we shall not fight our battles alone. There is a just God who presides over the destinies of nations; and who will raise up friends to fight our battles for us. The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave. . . it is now too late to retire from the contest. There is no retreat but in submission and slavery! Our chains are forged! The war is inevitable and let it come! I repeat it, sir, let it come."
Our battle is at hand, friends. But who should we choose to lead us? Again, the Republican party disappoints.
The process itself has become a joke. Herman Cain? Really? I'm reminded of the DiGiorno commercial where the weird kid is let into the party just because he brought the pizza.
And what about Buddy Roemer?
"Who's Buddy Roemer?" you ask. Well, let me tell you. All the other candidates are talking about how, when they're elected, one of the first things they'll do is overhaul the election process. Take big business out of Washington. Make it so that anyone can run, not just millionaires. And where does Buddy Roemer fit into all this? Well, first off, he's running for president . . . as a republican. WHAT?! But you've never heard of him? Of course you haven't. Because while all the others are talking about changing the system, Buddy is actually doing it. He won't accept annonymous campaign donations, he won't accept PAC money and is seeking to abolish Super PACs all together. What does this have to do with people not knowing he exists? Plain and simple: if you don't play by the corporate Washington rules, you can't play at all. Sure, his name is on the ballots, but you won't see him on the news because they all have corporate backers. You won't see him at debates because, in order to qualify to be on stage, you have to have raised $X million . . . in the week/month prior to the debate. The only way to do that is with corporate PAC money. So because Buddy actually practices what he preaches, he's not allowed to play. Now, if the others wanted to, they could change this. All they had to do is get together and say "We won't debate unless you let Buddy debate, too." If they stood their ground, the networks would have to drop the money rule or they wouldn't make any money themselves. After all, that's the real reason why every single cable news host has to have his own debate. They're in it to make money just like everyone else. Now how sweet would it be if Buddy won New Hampshire : ) I'm afraid asking people to vote for Buddy Roemer might fall on deaf ears, I'll instead ask you to consider the only true conservative on the debate stage. No, not Rick Perry. Besides basically throwing in the towel last night, he's really not conservative nor is he cut out for the job. Texas is a state that pretty much governs itself. It's prosperity and job creation isn't dependent on the governor, but on the individual counties and cities. Perry didn't bring Silicon Valley to Austin, Austin did. Perry didn't create thousands of jobs, oil and natural gas did. Perry isn't on the side of the people, he's on the side of the person putting money in his pocket. Making HPV vaccinations mandatory is just one case that proves that point. I won't waste any more time on Perry, though, since he's packing his boots and heading back to Texas.
So if not Perry, then I must mean Rick Santorum. HA! Remember that new definition of conservative that I was talking about earlier? Aside from the puffy face and the age, that's Santorum in a nut shell. Ban contreception? Really? As if that would ever win you a general election. I'm all for family values and I appreciate that he's pledged his support for the Parental Rights Ammendment and the rights of homeschoolers, but his record concerns me. He bragged about being the in the top five congressman receiving the most money for earmarks. He's very proud of his pork and contributed heavily to the massive debt we're in now. And to be honest, he doesn't have much of a plan. He'll get us out of Afganistan and send us to Iran and wherever else Islamists are wreaking havoc. His solution for fixing the economy is cutting taxes. We tried that, by the way. Doesn't work. He has no real plans and no real solutions and one of the least conservative records out there. Nope, not Santorum.
Gingrich? Yes, the one who considers himself a god among men. Who cries when the truth about his lobbying and conservative bashing makes national news, who compares and considers himself an equal to those brave men and women who lost their lives during the attacks on Pearl Harbor. For that blasphemy alone, he should be hung for treason. No, not Newt.
Not Romney either. He does make for a strong contender in the general because he's on record as being slightly left of right on just about every issue. This would win the independent vote for sure. Plus, he's governed a state, and governors almost always make better presidents because they've actually had to govern and balance budgets. And let's be honest here, can we really expect a man who won the governor's race in the most cobalt state on the map, Massachusetts, to be a right wing extremist? No, he doesn't really fit the true conservative mold, but he can beat Obama, and that's why he's my #2.
So that just leaves Ron Paul, right? No. The man has lost his marbles when it comes to foreign policy. No, I don't think we should go to war with the world, but shrinking our defense down to a glorified border patrol doesn't make us a strong nation. And if anyone thinks that when we withdraw into our state-side fox holes that every other militarized nation won't be parking their battle ships just off our coastline is insanely naive and needs to have their heads checked.
So who else is there. Well, my friends, there's Jon Huntsman. If you haven't heard of him it's because you don't live in New Hampshire or you don't watch cable news. Yes, he's that guy that worked for Obama as ambassador to China. But how can he be conservative if he worked for Obama? Here's how:
Jon Huntsman Jr., at 51 years of age, has lived a varied and remarkable life in business and public service.
As governor of one of the most conservative states in the country, Jon built a strong executive record by cutting taxes, reducing waste and growing Utah's economy. Thanks to the free-market policies implemented by Gov. Huntsman, Utah weathered the economic storm and grew jobs while the rest of the country saw substantial job loss.
Jon also has extensive foreign policy experience -- a passion that was sparked at a young age. When he was 19, Jon embarked on a two-year mission trip to Taiwan, where he learned to speak Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese Hokkein. He was later named U.S. Ambassador to Singapore, becoming the youngest head of an American diplomatic mission in a century. As U.S. Trade Ambassador under President George W. Bush, Jon helped negotiate dozens of free trade agreements with Asian and African nations.
His commitment to service rises above partisan politics. Asked by President Obama in 2009 to serve his country once again, Jon was unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate as ambassador to China. He turned heads by shunning motorcades, preferring instead to ride his bicycle and interact with the Chinese people. As ambassador, he worked closely with American business owners to facilitate commerce in the growing Asian market, bringing jobs and capital back to America. Jon occasionally butted heads with the Chinese government as he stridently advocated for the release of American citizens wrongfully imprisoned.
In the private sector, Jon is a successful businessman with hands-on job creation experience. He served as an executive in his family's business, which built hundreds of products and employed thousands of people. Using his international experience and language skills, Jon has helped the company compete and expand globally.
Shortly after becoming governor in 2004, Jon began implementing his 10-point plan for jumpstarting Utah's economy -- including historic tax reform. He simplified the tax structure and cut taxes by more than $400 million -- the largest tax cut in the state's history.
He maintained his fiscal responsibility even in the midst of the national economic recession. Rather than raise taxes or use accounting gimmicks, Jon cut waste and made government more efficient. As a result, Utah held its AAA bond rating and earned national accolades for debt management. Under his leadership, Utah ranked number one in the nation in the job creation and was named the best-managed state by the Pew Center.
In 2008, Jon spearheaded and passed comprehensive, market-based health care reform. While other states relied on government control and individual mandates, Jon delivered reforms that give consumers freedom to choose and negotiate their own coverage in a competitive marketplace. He also signed landmark legislation to protect the sanctity of unborn life and defend the Second Amendment.
When he is not working or spending time with his family, Jon enjoys riding his Harley and considers himself a street food connoisseur, frequenting taco stands. He is also an avid motocross racer, which has been a passion his entire life.
Jon Huntsman, Jr. is a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania. He and his wife Mary Kaye have seven children, including two adopted girls from China and India.
And that, dear voters, is why we have to quit sitting around wishing for change and get up and start making a difference. Huntsman has a chance to win in New Hampshire, but after that is anyone's guess. Now is not time to fall in line with business as usual and watch our country wither and die. Raise your voice, and raise it for true conservatives.
This print by Benjamin Franklin had nothing to do with independence from Britain. It was a plea for unity in defending the colonies during the French and Indian War. It played off a common superstition of the time: a snake that had been cut into pieces could come back to life if you joined the sections together before sunset.
We as conservatives have been cut into pieces. We need to unite behind one true conservative candidate before the sun sets, or risk four more years of Obama.
The bright yellow Gadsden Flag (top) stood for revolution. While more recently it's been adopted by anarchists and anti-government militias, conservatives should embrace it and hoist the colors again, to remind Washington of the ideals this country was founded on. Often considered the first flag of the United States, the Gadsden flag should become the first flag of the new, truly conservative party.
This observation of the image was published in a Philidelphia newspaper by a man calling himself the "American Guesser":
First, it occurred to him that "the Rattle-Snake is found in no other quarter of the world besides America."
The rattlesnake also has sharp eyes, and "may therefore be esteemed an emblem of vigilance." Furthermore,
"She never begins an attack, nor, when once engaged, ever surrenders: She is therefore an emblem of magnanimity and true courage. ... she never wounds 'till she has generously given notice, even to her enemy, and cautioned him against the danger of treading on her."Finally,
"I confess I was wholly at a loss what to make of the rattles, 'till I went back and counted them and found them just thirteen, exactly the number of the Colonies united in America; and I recollected too that this was the only part of the Snake which increased in numbers. ...
"'Tis curious and amazing to observe how distinct and independent of each other the rattles of this animal are, and yet how firmly they are united together, so as never to be separated but by breaking them to pieces. One of those rattles singly, is incapable of producing sound, but the ringing of thirteen together, is sufficient to alarm the boldest man living."Many scholars now agree that this "American Guesser" was Benjamin Franklin.
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